A Proud Military Legacy Documented Back to 1665.

On this Veterans Day, I’m considering the historical military legacy bridged by my military service and that of my Revolutionary War ancestors.

One of my proudest moments, after having served my country, was finding out that one of my documented French ancestors named Mathieu Devaux dit Platillo served in the local New Orleans militia under the command of the Spanish Colonial Governor of Louisiana Bernardo de Galvez, during Louisiana’s participation in the American Revolution (1778-1783). See the transcript of my ancestor’s story titled, the Galvez Papers

Above is my certificate of membership in the National Society Sons of The American Revolution honoring the service and contribution of my 4th Generation Great Grandfather, a French National named Mathieu Devaux dit Platillo who served under the command of the Spanish Colonial Louisiana Governor and General Bernardo de Galvez.  See here, how three additional Colonial Louisiana Ancestors approved by the SAR.

You can also read about how my research, discovery, journey, and results were documented in my memoir titled Got Proof! My Genealogical Journey Through the Use of Documentation

See here those whom I descend, who also served at various times of War.

My Father Albert A. Henderson, Corporal, U.S. Army


My Paternal Grandfather, Nolden Henderson, Private, U.S. Army, WW I


My maternal 2nd Great Grandfather Francois Legaux, Jr. had a brother named Florian Legaux see below record as a Civil War Soldier (1860-1865)  note side in which he served.

Although Florian Legaux, is not part of my direct line of descent, though I thought it was a significant ancestral military service discovery in learning, he served as a member of the 30th Regiment Louisiana Infantry (Sumter Regiment), Company G. In the Confederate forces.  I’ll have to do some further research later.

My maternal 3rd Great Grand Father, Louis Innocent Mathieu, (Dec 16, 1814 – 25 Mar 1815) Private, First Battalion, Free Men of Color, under the command of General Andrew Jackson at the Battle Of New Orleans, Jan 8, 1815.

See record and blog posts below for more about Innocent

See here blog posting: Yes, We Were There at the Battle Of New Orleans, Jan 8, 1815.



My Maternal 4th Great Grandfather, Mathieu Devaux dit Platillo, 3rd Company Artillery, New Orleans Militia- (1778-1783). Below is a copy of the Militia List with the name Mathieu Platillo.


Listed above is a documented Patriot Ancestor of the American Revolution named Mathieu Platille. See more above in the Galvez Papers. 

My Maternal 9th Great-Grandfather, Francois Trottain dit St Surin is currently the oldest documented Ancestor who served as 

a member of the first expedition of Royal Troops (Carignan-Salieres) Regiment to arrive in French Canada in 1665.