50th Georgia Author of the Year Award Recipient (2014) – Memoir/Autobiography Category

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Until the Lion Has His Own Storyteller, The Hunter will always have the Best Part of the Story – African Proverb


GAYA Silver Seal

I am honored to be a recipient of the 50th Georgia Author of the Year Award (GAYA) “Finalist” (2014)  in the Memoir/Autobiography Category. This is truly a moment that I will always remember.

Michael Nolden Henderson Author of GOT PROOF! My Genealogical Journey Through The Use of Documentation

Michael Nolden Henderson Author of GOT PROOF! My Genealogical Journey Through The Use of Documentation

as we waited to hear the announcement of the final results.

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 This was my category.

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GOT PROOF! My Genealogical Journey Through the Use of Documentation was nominated in this Category

and the results were.


Michael Nolden Henderson “Finalist” 50th Georgia Author of the Year Awards


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It was truly a special moment standing before so many other authors and guests while being recognized as a Recipient of the 50th GAYA for my Memoir – GOT PROOF!



“Until the Lion has His own Storyteller, the Hunter will always have the best part of the story”. African Proverb…..

As you can see a big smile and am very HAPPY.

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Indeed a Proud Moment for Me on This Amazing Journey- GOT PROOF! – 50th Georgia Author Of the Year Award (GAYA) 2014 (Finalist) – Memoir/Autobiography

 Having my baby sister Jane there with me was Priceless.


Yes, this is my baby sister Jane, all excited and congratulating me for receiving an award as “Finalist” at the 50th Georgia Author of the Year Banquet -in the memoir category. (Photo taken by Grady Thrasher)


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Jane Bronner (My Youngest Sister) and I share this Amazing Moment Together

 Here are a few other photos taken during the evening.

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Sharyn Shields, Author of The Wisdom of Dr. Sholes another client of (the Write Image) nominated in the Children’s Book Category

Sharyn says, Congratulations! Michael.

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                                                                 Sharyn Shield and I sharing the moment

Charlie isn’t the only one with a set of Lovely Angels

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GOT PROOF! Dream Team from BOOKLOGIX – Michael’s Angels

All smiles…

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To learn more about  GOT PROOF! My Genealogical Journey Through the Use of Documentation

6 comments to “50th Georgia Author of the Year Award Recipient (2014) – Memoir/Autobiography Category”
  1. You know I LOVE this post! These pictures are amazing. I can see how excited you were and what a great night it was. I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you. Glad Jane was there to support you. Congratulations! Okay, when’s the next book coming out?

    • Thank you Sheila. Indeed the journey, discovery and results are a testament to many hours of research. It is my sincere hope that GOT PROOF! continues to inspire all those on a similar path.

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